I’m Syed, been working in sales for over a decade now. Not an expert, just someone who has (dare I say!) mastered his craft. Still learning, but more importantly doing. Oh, and I like to share my knowledge and experience with others. And french fries 🍟 as well as whiskey sours 🥃 Need I say more?

Yup, that’s me in my element. Ha! Needless to say that the muscles have since long gone.
Ok so what is this website all about? or what exactly is the need for me to go ahead and explain who I am? Honestly I have thought long and hard about this question way more than I should have.
I’m not an industry thought leader, there are plenty of those out there 😅 (way more than there should be, ha). I’m not someone who is about to tell the sales reps out there to follow-up with their leads and package that information as a golden nugget.
I am someone who has worked in sales for over a decade now, starting from the ground up as a semi SDR/AE. Moved my way up to a head of sales role at Usability tools where it all started and from there on, I have built and managed sales teams in various different B2B SaaS companies. My latest gig is at Hubstaff, where I built and run both the sales and the customer success team.
So what I’m hoping to achieve here is share my knowledge with the sales people out there that are legitimately looking for a resource through which they can (hopefully) learn and become a better a sales person. My recent experience with customer success also gives me a unique perspective that I can share with the success folks and help share some pointers.
I won’t be chucking out content every day or week, honestly I do not know how everyone does it but ideas don’t come to me that easy, ha. So when I see problems where I think my 2 cents or perspective can will help individuals, I will go ahead and write them down here in an easy to digest way so that knowledge can be soaked.
Alright, I promise no ChatGPT.
I do not want to shun or close out on SaaS founders or companies that don’t yet have a sales or success team or currently are looking to build them out. I will be sharing content that can help founders and managers scale their sales and success teams (hell, that’s what I have been doing for the most part of my career).
So, fear not, plenty of good stuff will be coming your way. This is my second attempt at this website so I will try and carve out more time this around for content. I promise I won’t be asking you to subscribe to my email, tiktok or youtube. People who know me well, know that have a special disdain for social media (yeah I know…. imma 🦕). This website is where I will post most of my content, whenever you feel the need for new ideas, or like listening to my podcast, just come over and have a look. I hope that i in some small way can help you get closer to your goals.
And that right there is plenty good enough for me.
If you made is so far, I appreciate you taking the time. Just remember these thoughts and content are based on my experience, and I have a long way to go, so be gentle in the comment section (kidding!).
Cheers! 🥃
P.S. I have got to remove all the whiskey sour emojis everywhere, I feel like I will need an intervention soon 😅